MO Showcase: Acute Elderly Care
‘Embedding Medicines Optimisation in Acute Elderly Care’. Presentation by: Helen Philips, Philip Lappin, Barbara Carey. MO Showcase, 28 September 2016, Riddel Hall, Queen’s, Belfast.
‘Embedding Medicines Optimisation in Acute Elderly Care’. Presentation by: Helen Philips, Philip Lappin, Barbara Carey. MO Showcase, 28 September 2016, Riddel Hall, Queen’s, Belfast.
‘Acute Care at Home: Multidisciplinary Medicines Optimisation’. Presentation by: Des Gourley, Pat McCaffrey, Paul McGucken, Eamon Farrell. MO Showcase, 28 September 2016, Riddel Hall, Queen’s, Belfast.
‘Evaluation of the Consultant Pharmacist Led Medicines Optimisation in Older People’s Project: Engagement with Older People, Carers and Staff.’ Presentation by Ruth Miller, M. McCann, and Anne Friel. MO Showcase, 28 September 2016, Riddel Hall, Queen’s, Belfast.
Poster: AGE NI Poster
Medicines are the most widely used intervention in healthcare and are an essential component in the treatment and prevention of illness. However there is growing evidence that people do not always receive the best outcomes from their medicines. In order to mark International Day of Older Persons, a conference was arranged to showcase research and service development projects in the area of medicines optimisation.
The event was held in the Queen’s University in Belfast on 28th September 2016 and around 100 people had the opportunity to learn how Northern Ireland has recently been recognised as a 4 star reference site under the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. During the remainder of the programme, delegates learned about a range of projects being undertaken by those working in the health service, university, charities and commercial companies all of which focus on improving the health and wellbeing of our older population. The event included a large display area of around 30 posters and stands. It gave the opportunity for those with an interest in medicines optimisation to network with colleagues and to learn about one another’s work. Professor Mike Scott, Director of the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre, summed up the event by saying:
End of September MOIC and Digitalis presented STEPSelect at the Institute of Rheumatology Belgrade in the context of Pharmaceutical Clinical Effectiveness. STEPSelect is a model for the safe, therapeutic, economic selection of medicines with a focus on Biologics and Biosimilars. Anita Hogg (MOIC), Rob Brenninkmeijer (Digitalis), and Frans van Andel (MOIC) demonstrated the STEPselect interactive website to Goran Radunovic (deputy director/rheumatologist), Predrag Ostojic (assistant director), and other senior medical and pharmacy staff at the Institute of Rheumatology, University of Belgrade Medical School.
Location: Institute of Rheumatology, Resavska 69, Belgrade, Serbia, 27-28 September 2016