by Dorothée van Hooff | Nov 23, 2016 | News Release
November 2016 was successful for Antrim Area Hospital and MOIC. Professor Michael Scott (Director MOIC) received the UKCPA Lifetime Achievement Award 2016 at the UKCPA Conference at the Hilton Hotel Manchester Airport, 4 November 2016. Julie Magee, pharmacist at Antrim Area Hospital, was the winner of the best poster at the Hospital Pharmacy Europe Live, 10 November 2016, at the London Olympia Conference Centre. Seamus O’Reilly, Medical Director NHSCT, congratulated Professor Michael Scott and Julie Magee.
Doctor Light Discharge
Julie Magee has won the best poster for ‘Doctor Light Discharge’. Entries were open to hospital pharmacists from across the UK and Europe working on innovative research and pilot projects. Julie’s winning poster will be featured the Hospital Pharmacy Europe Journal in January 2017.
After a patient is deemed medically fit there can be delays before a doctor can prepare the discharge summary. This can be due to medical staff attending ward rounds or carrying out other duties. The aim of this study was to reduce delay in the discharge process by introducing a ‘Doctor Light Discharge’. This involved the Pharmacist Independent Prescriber preparing the discharge summary and medication section. Data was collected on Ward A1 before and after ‘Doctor Light Discharge’ summaries were introduced. Time was recorded from the time pharmacy was informed of discharge until the discharge summary was written. The time reduced from a mean of 127 minutes when the medical staff was preparing the discharge summary to 33 minutes when it was prepared by the pharmacist. Statistical analysis, carried out using Mann-Whitney U test, indicated that the discharge summaries were ready significantly more quickly during the intervention.
An audit was carried out on the ‘Doctor Light Discharge’ summaries and showed that in 100% (25/25) of the letters prepared by the pharmacist all information required was present and correct. The results of this study show that a pharmacist independent prescriber can generate an accurate, complete and timely discharge summary.
Julie Magee Poster The introduction of a Dr Light Discharge service

Julie Magee, winner of the best poster at the Hospital Pharmacy Europe Live, 10 November 2016.

Prof Michael Scott with the UKCPA Lifetime Achievement Award 2016.
by Dorothée van Hooff | Nov 17, 2016 | Events, News Release
Of course MOIC was present at the annual flagship event of Pharmacy Management.The theme was ‘Medicines Optimisation: in long term conditions, the Frail and the Elderly’. Many of these patients suffer from multiple long term conditions which makes their treatment much more complex. With increasing age the potential benefit reduces but the risks from treatment increase, suggesting that regular review and appropriate de-prescribing is likely to be in the patient’s interest.
‘National Forum Workshop – Medicines Optimisation: long term conditions, the Frail and Elderly’, 16 November 2016, Radisson Blu Portman Square, London. Organising partner: South London Health Innovation Network.

Anita Hogg, Lead for Pharmaceutical Clinical Effectiveness, MOIC, and Mike Pratt, Director of Pharmacy at NHS, Dumfries and Galloway.

Left to right: Mike Pratt, Director of Pharmacy at NHS, Dumfries and Galloway, Ruth Miller, Project Manager Medicines Optimisation in Older People, and Prof Michael Scott, Director MOIC, discusses MOIC with a delegate.
by Dorothée van Hooff | Nov 16, 2016 | Events, News Release
Dianne Gill (Assistant Director MOIC) presented the poster on ‘Assessment of New Single Patient Use Cardinal Health™ NPWT Pro device in Practice in an NHS Setting’. The occasion was the Wounds UK Conference 2016 at Harrogate International Centre, 14-16 November 2016. The poster shows the research and results of the device. The merits of topical negative pressure (TNP) are well reviewed in the literature including enhanced healing and granulation tissue formation, management of highly exuding wounds, reduced dressing changes, reduced nurse time, reduced costs, and improved quality of life. The Cardinal Health™ NPWT Pro device (NPWT PRO) has been designed as a disposable system, capable of managing high levels of exudate, with replaceable 500ml canisters. The NPWT Pro is pre-programmed with a set numbers of hours. The service evaluation was conducted by the MOIC based in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) in Northern Ireland. The results were clear. Without exception the wound size decreased over the course of the therapy with the NPWT PRO. In addition, there was also a reduction in exudate levels and an increase in granulation tissue over the duration of the treatment.
The Wounds UK Conference 2016
Dianne Gill Poster Wounds UK Conference Harrogate 2016
by Dorothée van Hooff | Nov 11, 2016 | Events, News Release
Prof. Michael Scott with Teresa Frąckowiak (MSc, PhD, Department of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacodynamics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Gdánsk). In front of the poster of the Gdansk Medical University. Location: Hospital Pharmacy Europe (HPE) Live 2016, 10 November at the London Olympia Conference Centre,
by Dorothée van Hooff | Nov 5, 2016 | Events, News Release
Professor Michael Scott received the UKCPA Lifetime Achievement Award 2016 at the Gala Dinner of the UKCPA Conference at the Hilton Hotel Manchester Airport on 4th November 2016. This prestigious award, now in its ninth year, aims to recognise outstanding contributions to clinical pharmacy practice. The Award was presented to Michael Scott by Ann Page, chair of UKCPA. The UKCPA promotes expert practice in medicines management for the benefit of patients, the public and members by establishing standards, workforce development and advancing innovation in all health care settings. The UKCPA encourages excellence, leadership and partnership.