Professor Michael Scott visited Oslo and Tromsø 19-25 March 2017 to highlight the Medicines Optimisation unit in Northern Ireland and to discuss collaborations in the whole area of Medicines Optimisation. Professor Scott met with Beate Garcia, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacy, University of Tromsø (Faculty of Health Science Arctic University of Norway), and Professor Anne Gerd Granås, Norwegian PhD School of Pharmacy Oslo.
At the University of Tromsø Profesor Michael Scott gave a seminar on Medicines Optimisation, focused on how, why and when medication safety in hospital is jeopardised, and how this influences patientcare and use of resources in the healthcare services. The Norwegian PhD School of Pharmacy and the Sykehusapotekene HF invited Professor Scott for a series of seminars on medication reviews. At the Oslo University Hospital (Ullevål), and Østfold Hospital (Kalnes) audiences attended the lectures by Professor Scott: ‘From Medicines Management to Medicines Optimisation’, and ‘Medicines Optimisation and clinical pharmacy staff’.