by Anita Hogg | Apr 3, 2019 | Events, News Release
The successful UKCPA/JoMO (Pharmacy Management Group) Conference on Diabetes
Medicines Optimisation within pharmacy returns once more to Manchester on Tuesday
14 May 2019 at The Midland Manchester Hotel.
The programme as normal combines the expertise of the UKCPA Specialist Diabetes &
Endocrinology Group and the Pharmacy Management organisation –
The Conference is suitable for all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working in both
primary and secondary care (including Community Pharmacists).
John Stanley, Chief Executive of Pharmacy Management, stated “Each year our
relationship with the UKCPA gets stronger in relation to the quality of material proposed
and the inspirational speakers recommended.
We also are now including Satellites of management skills which our research has shown
are both very topical and needed by all in pharmacy”.
Places in the Manchester event are at no cost to NHS pharmacists (including Community
Pharmacy) and registration can be undertaken at:-
For further information or if you have any queries, please contact:-
Katie Fraser
Senior Executive Assistant to Ted Butler, Chairman
Pharmacy Management
by Anita Hogg | Mar 13, 2019 | Events, News Release
More than 230 delegates from across Poland including Gdansk, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan and Krakow and from surrounding countries, including Ukraine and Czech Republic, attended a highly successful pharmacy conference co-hosted by the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) in Wroclaw, Poland.
Main picture (above): Members of the Organising Committee, from left: Anita Hogg (Lead, MOIC), Prof Anna Wiela-Hojeńska (Head of Clinical Pharmacology Department, Wroclaw Medical University), Kamila Urbańczyk (Pharmacist, Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw Research and Development Centre) and Prof Mike Scott (Director, MOIC).
Together with MOIC, Wroclaw Medical University, the Polish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, the Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw Research and Development Centre brought together a range of speakers from across Europe, including Northern Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, England, Ukraine, Slovenia and Serbia for this exciting conference.
The aim of the conference was to share learning and experiences on optimising patient care from successful ward pharmacist models, including the award winning Northern Ireland model, stimulate development and implementation of similar models locally and build collaborations and networks. Keynote speakers, plenary sessions and parallel sessions focussed on developments and best practice in ward Pharmacy.
Delegates attended from a range of sectors including pharmacy, medicine, clinical pharmacology, hospital management and academia.
During the conference Prof Mike Scott, Director MOIC, and Petr Horak, President, European Association of Hospital Pharmacy (EAHP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding between MOIC and EAHP.
The conference was held in the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland on 7 & 8 March.

Dr Petr Horák (Director of Pharmacy, University Hospital Motol, Prague and President (European Association of Hospital Pharmacy) and Prof Mike Scott (Director, MOIC) sign the Memorandum of Understanding.

From left: Prof Mike Scott (Director, MOIC), Stephanie Tohill (Senior Clinical eHealth Pharmacist, Northern Health and Social Care Trust) and Dr Pavle Zelić (International Cooperation, European Integrations and Public Relations Manager in the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia)

Delegates enjoying the exhibition area at the conference
by Anita Hogg | Mar 12, 2019 | Events, News Release, Press
For the 8th year running The Clinical Pharmacy Congress will welcome the pharmacy community through its doors on the 7th – 8th June 2019 at ExCeL London. We would be delighted if you would join us at these two education packed days. Your guest invite will grant you access to:
• Receive 230+ hours of educational content to get you revalidation ready for 2019!
• Expand your knowledge with the latest clinical updates across 240+ sessions, delivered by 200+ world-class speakers
• Network with the CPC community – catch up with peers, colleagues and old friends
• Grow your career prospects by networking with sector leaders
• Witness the latest innovations in clinical pharmacy and source new suppliers
CPC’s world class conference programme will be delivered across lively sessions and interactive workshops, filled with specialised content to provide you with the education you need to improve patient outcomes.
The Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) will be exhibiting at the conference at Stand: J10 – 2. We will be taking this opportunity to showcase our work in driving innovation in medicines use through research, innovation, quality improvement and knowledge transfer. Please visit our stand if you would like to hear more about how MOIC contributes to the development, testing, scale and spread of medicines optimisation expertise and technologies in Northern Ireland and across the world.
Limited passes remain, REGISTER NOW
We look forward to welcoming you across two education packed days, visit us at J10 in the Affiliates Lounge.
by Anita Hogg | Jan 31, 2019 | Events, News Release
MOIC is currently hosting three pharmacists from Austria, Greece and Estonia. The pharmacists are participating in a two week residential programme to experience hospital pharmacy practice in Northern Ireland.
Main picture from left: Krista Meresmaa (Hospital Pharmacist, North Estonia Medical Centre, Tallinn, Estonia), Sonja Guntschnig (Community Pharmacist, Klagenfurt, Austria) and Vasileios Antoniadis (Community Pharmacist, Ptolemaida, Greece).
The visitors are gaining direct experience and exposure to clinical pharmacy practice in a general hospital, spending time with and learning from our expert pharmacy team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, gaining experience of enabling technology developed to optimise medicines, experiencing the National Health Service and how pharmacy integrates within the multidisciplinary healthcare team.
International students in their final year of the Masters in Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice at Queen’s University Belfast have the opportunity to participate in this residential programme.
This first cohort of three pharmacists are on site from Monday 21st January to Friday 1st February 2019.
by Anita Hogg | Jan 22, 2019 | Events, News Release
MOIC, together with Wroclaw Medical University, the Polish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, and the Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw Research and Development Centre, have brought together a range of speakers from across Europe for an exciting conference to explore the role of Pharmacists in the ward Team. Keynote speakers, plenary sessions and parallel sessions will focus on developments and best practice in ward Pharmacy.
The aim of the conference is to share learning and experiences on optimising patient care from successful ward pharmacist models, including the award winning Northern Ireland model, stimulate development and implementation of similar models locally and build collaborations and networks.
It is intended that the conference will inform, motivate, excite and inspire further service improvement, research and innovation in medicines use in Poland and across Europe.
This two-day conference will be held in Wroclaw University, Poland, on 7 & 8th March 2019.
Visit the conference website to find out more and view the preliminary programme.
by Anita Hogg | Jan 22, 2019 | Events, News Release
Thursday 14 March 2019 sees the annual JoMO-UKCPA Workshop for Respiratory
Medicines Optimisation taking place once again in Birmingham.
The programme has been devised in cooperation with the UKCPA Specialist Respiratory
Group and will reflect the latest practice and developments in respiratory medicines
As in previous years, the meeting is available at no cost to all pharmacists and pharmacy
technicians across the UK.
Chief Executive of Pharmacy Management, John Stanley, remarked “This is the third year
that we have produced this conference with UKCPA and we are privileged to have so
many top-class pharmacists delivering satellite sessions. In 2018 we had a significant
increase on numbers to the previous year and we fully expect that trend to continue.”
Book a place here