Analytic tagging with commercial partner Healthcare Analytics

Healthcare Analytics


MOIC has worked with commercial partner Healthcare Analytics on the continued of secure analytic tagging.  Using the technology, it is possible to track medical equipment as it moves through the hospital and community setting.  This can be used to ensure that assets can be found and to record cleaning and maintenance of medical equipment.  During the year beacons were installed across the Antrim Area Hospital site and the relevant readers were received.  Significant work was undertaken to ensure appropriate information and IT governance were secured, including the completion of the appropriate  privacy impact assessment and a data access agreement as well as meeting cyber–security requirements.  A number of beds and mattresses have now been tagged and these will be used to demonstrate the system during 2019.  Regular meetings continue to be held with CHIC, Multitone and Healthcare Analytics in order to map future projects.


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May 7, 2020