Events & Conferences
23rd Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)
Professor Michael Scott attended the 23rd Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) event in Gothenburg Sweden this month to give a presentation on MOIC and our...
MOIC at IQI One Year On Event
Anita Hogg and Laura Downing represented MOIC at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) iQi one year on event. The iQi (Innovation Quality Improvement) initiative was set up to formalise...
JoMO-UKCPA Diabetes Workshop
MOIC Partner, Pharmacy Management, together with UKCPA will host the fifth Diabetes Medicines Optimisation conference in Manchester on Tuesday 15 May 2018. Booking for delegate places is now open...
CLIP launched in North of England
The Clinical Leadership in Pharmacy (CLIP) programme has been launched in the North of England. The CLIP programme provides comprehensive skills training for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in...
MOIC and CHIC collaborate
Mike and Geraldine (MOIC) and Stephen McComb and other representatives from Connected Health Innovation Centre, Northern Ireland (CHIC) met with Shannon Harmon, Digital Editor, Longitude Prize. The...
NI Healthcare Awards – Hospital pharmacy team of the year
Maureen Hetherington, Deputy Head of Pharmacy and Medicines Management, Northern HSC Trust, and the Vaccine Services Pharmacy Team were joint winners of the the Hospital Pharmacy Team of the Year...