More than 230 delegates from across Poland including Gdansk, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan and Krakow and from surrounding countries, including Ukraine and Czech Republic, attended a highly successful pharmacy conference co-hosted by the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) in Wroclaw, Poland.
Main picture (above): Members of the Organising Committee, from left: Anita Hogg (Lead, MOIC), Prof Anna Wiela-Hojeńska (Head of Clinical Pharmacology Department, Wroclaw Medical University), Kamila Urbańczyk (Pharmacist, Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw Research and Development Centre) and Prof Mike Scott (Director, MOIC).
Together with MOIC, Wroclaw Medical University, the Polish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, the Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw Research and Development Centre brought together a range of speakers from across Europe, including Northern Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, England, Ukraine, Slovenia and Serbia for this exciting conference.
The aim of the conference was to share learning and experiences on optimising patient care from successful ward pharmacist models, including the award winning Northern Ireland model, stimulate development and implementation of similar models locally and build collaborations and networks. Keynote speakers, plenary sessions and parallel sessions focussed on developments and best practice in ward Pharmacy.
Delegates attended from a range of sectors including pharmacy, medicine, clinical pharmacology, hospital management and academia.
During the conference Prof Mike Scott, Director MOIC, and Petr Horak, President, European Association of Hospital Pharmacy (EAHP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding between MOIC and EAHP.
The conference was held in the Pharmaceutical Faculty, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland on 7 & 8 March.

Dr Petr Horák (Director of Pharmacy, University Hospital Motol, Prague and President (European Association of Hospital Pharmacy) and Prof Mike Scott (Director, MOIC) sign the Memorandum of Understanding.