NHSCT roll out Telephone Discharge Pharmacy Service

NHSCT roll out Telephone Discharge Pharmacy Service

MOIC recently were involved in evaluating a post discharge pharmacy follow up service in Northern Trust.

Patients taking lots of medication are at a higher risk of medication related problems such as interactions and adverse effects. This is a particular issue after admission to hospital as often there are several new or changes to medicines.  During the 2018/19 year, the results from a post-discharge from hospital follow-up study were fully analysed by MOIC with assistance from researchers at Queen’s University Belfast.

In the study, patients (n=211) discharged from hospital on multiple medications were followed up by a clinical pharmacist by telephone at 5, 30 and 90 days post-discharge. The results indicated that those receiving such telephone calls had a:

  • 9.9% reduction in 30 day readmission rates.
  • 15.2% reduction in 90 day readmission rates.
  • Positive health economic benefit, with return in investment at £51 per £1 spent at 30 days.
  • High level patient satisfaction.

Following the positive results observed, funding was applied for under the Northern Ireland Transformation Funding programme and this was awarded during 2019 to roll this initiative out as a service in Antrim Area Hospital.

Since the roll out in September 2019 feedback from patients has been extremely positive. 73% of patients said they felt more confident about their medications after the calls and 82% said they would recommend it to a friend.

The below quotes are from patients that have received the telephone discharge service.

Brilliant service as you are so weak and low and it helps to have a real person in contact with you so you can ask and clarify questions.” 

“I really appreciated the follow-up after my discharge from hospital. I know how busy my local doctors are….. I don’t know how long you offered this service after discharge but personally I was glad of it, so thank you.”

“Really thought it was a great idea. Felt somebody cared.”

“Pharmacist very helpful. Nice to have a follow up and help from the discharge team after a stay in hospital.

Professor Mike Scott receives David Samway award

Professor Mike Scott receives David Samway award

Professor Mike Scott Head of Pharmacy Northern Trust and Director of MOIC has received the David Samways award from the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) procurement and distribution interest group (PDIG )in recognition of an outstanding contribution nationally to the practice of pharmacy procurement.

Speaking about this success Professor Scott said

“I am delighted to receive the David Samway award for contribution to the practice of pharmacy procurement. I knew David personally and all the work he did to develop this area of pharmacy practice and also to have such recognition from my procurement peers”


First Medicines Safety Conference

First Medicines Safety Conference

MOIC alongside Department of Health and Pharmacy Management jointly organised Northern Ireland’s first dedicated Medicines Safety Conference in Belfast on Wednesday 28th November.

The event brought together healthcare staff to share and learn from examples of best practice in medication safety and showed how Northern Ireland is leading the way in medication safety. In addition, the conference considered the WHO Challenge, Medication Without Harm which aims to reduce medicine related harm by 50% over a 5 year period

The conference was chaired by Cathy Harrison Acting Chief Pharmaceutical Officer at the Department of Health, who said

“The occasion of Northern Ireland’s first ever dedicated Medicines Safety Conference gave us the opportunity to recognise examples of new and innovative practice from all sectors aimed at ensuring the safe use of medicines in Northern Ireland. By bringing healthcare staff together to share and learn from examples of best practice, we aim to use that energy and inspiration to improve the quality of care and make our system even safer for the benefit of our population.

The Conference gave us the opportunity to share our journey to date in developing Northern Ireland’s response to the WHO Third Global Patient Safety Challenge “Medication without Harm”, and to build support for our ambitious vision to build on our solid foundations and past successes using collective leadership to deliver system wide improvements.”

The conference welcomed some international experts , including Ciara Kirk Clinical Lead, National Medication Safety Programme, HSE National Quality Improvement Team who presented on developing and delivering the challenge with WHO and what the evidence says is working to improve safety in this area.  Dr Catherine Duggan, Chief Executive Officer, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), based in the Hague provided an International view on the WHO Challenge.

The day closed with Angela Carrington Medication Safety Lead, Department of Health providing an update on Northern Ireland’s response to date on the Medication Without Harm challenge and showcased how we are prioritising patient safety in the delivery of medication.


Permanent Secretary visits MOIC

Permanent Secretary visits MOIC

Department of Health Permanent Secretary, Richard Pengelly recently visited the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) in Antrim Area Hospital. The Centre was established four years ago and the event provided an update on the projects and achievements since it was established.

The Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) is a regional centre in Northern Ireland dedicated to delivering better medicines use for the people of Northern Ireland. We are uniquely positioned to work alongside the health sector and the private sector to deliver better patient outcomes around medicines optimisation.

The MOIC team focuses on delivering research, innovation and business acumen to achieve medicines optimisation and to assist in the delivery of the Medicines Optimisation Quality Framework set out by the Department of Health. With approximately 41.5 million prescriptions issued in primary care every year and 1 in 5 adults dispensed 5 or more medicines, it is vital that we are getting the best usage out of our medicines.

MOIC showcased collaborative work across Health and Social Care, the voluntary sector and the private sector, all of which are delivering significant results in improving patient care through medicines optimisation such as the Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership.

The event also provided an opportunity to showcase a number of innovative projects being carried out with commercial partners, including the bed tracking system with Healthcare Analytics. This secure analytic tagging system has been rolled out throughout Antrim Area Hospital and is transforming how the Trust can manage beds and equipment throughout the hospital. MOIC are also working with Accelerate on testing a new rapid diagnostic test for sepsis in a number of hospitals in Northern Ireland and also with Arjo UK to test a novel scanning device for the prevention of pressure ulcers.

Department of Health Permanent Secretary, Richard Pengelly said:

“I am very impressed by what I have seen, the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre has a strong patient focus and is committed to driving innovation in medicines use, working towards improved patient outcomes through research, innovations, quality improvement and knowledge sharing.

“Delivering Together identified increasing quality improvement as an important enabler of reform.  Optimising the benefits of medicines is essential to support the wider transformation of our Health Service and this Centre has an important role to play in that context, by working collaboratively with health and social care professionals and using integrated technology solutions for the benefit of our patients.

“I wish you continued success of the Centre in supporting the important work in medicines optimisation across Northern Ireland. You have been carrying out excellent and dynamic work, and this Centre has developed a UK, European and world-wide reputation.”

Cathy Harrison, Acting Chief Pharmaceutical Officer said:

“I am delighted to see how the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre has developed over the last four years and how it is supporting the transformation of services for patients across health and social care in Northern Ireland.  I am also impressed to see the diversity of projects on display, the evidence of the many successful partnerships and collaborations with industry, academia and health, and how the work of the Centre has been recognised in the UK and Europe.

Professor Mike Scott, Director of MOIC

“We welcomed the opportunity to showcase MOIC’s work to Permanent Secretary, Richard Pengelly, four years on from our establishment. MOIC are committed to driving improvement in health through appropriate medicines use. We engage at an international level in order to bring learning and innovation back into healthcare in Northern Ireland and are focused on delivering the Department of Health’s Medicines Optimisation Quality Framework”

Antibiotic Review Kit Update

Antibiotic Review Kit Update

MOIC are working alongside the Northern Health and Social Care Trust participating in the Antibiotic Review Kit (ARK) project. ARK is a five-year applied research programme, funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) which aims to improve antibiotic prescription ‘review and revise’ and stop antibiotics in patients who don’t need them.

This project is ongoing within the Trust and initial findings are indicating improvements in the study site. Roll out to other sites is currently being planned.

Success for PHD Student – Thresholds Project

Success for PHD Student – Thresholds Project

Sara Gardner, Ulster University PHD Student and part of the Medical Research Foundations UK-wide PhD training programme, has successfully won best poster at Medical Research Foundation annual conference.

The Thresholds project aims to demonstrate that controlling the usage of key antibiotics under certain levels (or thresholds) can help to prevent the spread of resistant bacteria such as MRSA. Sara is working closely with MOIC and the Northern Health and Social Care Trust to complete this study.

Antimicrobial resistance has risen alarmingly over the last four decades and claims at least 50,000 lives across the European Union and United States each year. As a result Antimicrobial Stewardship Programmes have been established in an attempt to minimise the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. It has been hypothesised that there is a ‘threshold’ level of drug, above which, the persistent selection of the antibiotic in the environment will lead to the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Therefore the concept of identifying thresholds in antibiotic consumption is the basis of this research.

So why is this important?

The study aims to restrict the use of identified antibiotics to a level below the threshold, in theory creating a safe level for use. This may mean that we can use previously restricted antibiotics at safe levels, therefore bringing restricted antibiotics back into practice.