by Anita Hogg | Feb 27, 2018 | Events, News Release
Professor Mike Scott was presented with the Special Recognition Award by Dr Tracey Boyce, Director of Pharmacy, Southern HSC Trust and at the Northern Ireland Healthcare Awards 2018. The Award was in recognition of Mike’s outstanding contribution to healthcare in Northern Ireland over many years.
Mike is the Director of MOIC and Head of Pharmacy and Medicines Management, Northern HSC Trust. He has been instrumental in the development of clinical pharmacy services and medicines optimisation innovation in Northern Ireland. Congratulations Mike!
Dr Seamus O’Reilly, Northern Trust Executive Director of Medicine said, “I would like to congratulate the Vaccine Services Pharmacy Team and Prof Scott for their much deserved awards. They are examples of how innovation and the dedication of our staff, looking at how we do things and then improving them, are really making a difference to the care we give to our patients. Well done to those involved”.
The Northern Ireland Healthcare Awards 2018 event was held on 22 February 2018 in the Europa Hotel, Belfast.
All the winners will be featured in the forthcoming edition of Northern Ireland Healthcare Review. Pictures from the event can be viewed online:
by Anita Hogg | Feb 6, 2018 | Events, News Release
Anita Hogg represented MOIC at the annual JoMO-UKCPA National Respiratory event on 1 February at the MacDonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham. Delegates had the opportunity to speak to Anita and find out more about MOIC at the MOIC event stand and display area. Delegates were invited to choose from 20 Satellite Sessions on a range of topics from Asthma to Interstitial Lung Disease.

From left: Abigail Cowan and Diane Hornsby, Medicines Optimisation Pharmacists, Midlands and Lancashire CSU.

From left: Karen Higgins, Pharmacist, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust and Victoria Hill, Lead Pharmacist Unscheduled Care, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Sabaa Naz, Pharmacist, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow, Essex

From left: Joanna Lawrinson, Clinical Pharmacist, Tameside and Glossop Integrated Healthcare Trust and Ayah Aboukoura, Pharmacist, Well.
by Anita Hogg | Jan 30, 2018 | Events, News Release
Anita Hogg represented MOIC at the Mental Health in Scotland Event on 25 January 2018 at the Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling, Scotland. The event focused on ‘Putting patients at the centre of medicines and innovation’ and delegates had the opportunity to hear a range of speakers including Sharon Pfleger, Consultant in Pharmaceutical Public Health, NHS Highland and Gordon Johnston, Board Member, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland who gave a valuable insight into mental health from a patient perspective. A variety of workshops were available including physical health checks, person centred care, whole community approach and the role of practice and community pharmacists in supporting people with mental health.

Gordon Johnston (Board Member, Mental Welfare Commission, Scotland) at the MOIC stand.

From left: Martina Lees (General Practice Clinical Pharmacist, NHS Ayrshire and Arran), Louise Nixon (Advanced General Practice Clinical Pharmacist, NHS Ayrshire and Arran) and Francesca Aaen (Pharmacist Prescriber and Consultant, Aaen Care).

Charandeep Tuhan (Primary Care Pharmacist, NHS Forth Valley).

From left: Jane Stuart (General Practice Clinical Pharmacist, NHS Ayrshire and Arran), Alexandra McMillan (Community Pharmacy Champion, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde) and Karen Macdonald (Prescribing Support Pharmacist/Pharmacy Champion, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde).

From left: Annamarie McGregor (Practice Development Lead, Royal Pharmaceutical Society) with Gordon Johnston (Board Member, Mental Welfare Commission, Scotland).
by Anita Hogg | Jan 18, 2018 | Events, News Release
Mike Scott led the workshop ‘ePharmacy & Medicines Optimisation’ at the eHealth Ireland & Northern Ireland Connected Health Ecosystems 2nd Joint Gathering on 12th January 2018 at the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin.
The workshop gave an insight into the work being carried out within ePharmacy and Medicines Optimisation in the north and south of Ireland and the potential to improve patient care. Mike outlined the work of MOIC in these areas and highlighted the European Connected Health Alliance Medicines Optimisation inter-ecosystem group. The workshop was co-presented with Michael Fitzpatrick, Chief Pharmacist at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Dublin and attendees had the opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities experienced by those working in pharmacy.
The eHealth Ireland & Northern Ireland Connected Health Ecosystems 2nd Joint Gathering focused on “Exploring North/South cross border collaboration opportunities and the impact of the GDPR”.

Pictured from left: Michael Fitzpatrick, Chief Pharmacist, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Dublin; Roisin Adams, Deputy Head, National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics, Dublin; Mike Scott, Director, MOIC; Maire-Claire Jago-Byrne Chief Pharmacist, Naas General Hospital, Kildare; Niall Sinnott, Director, Digital Primary Care, Health Service Executive, Ireland
by Anita Hogg | Dec 11, 2017 | Events, News Release
At the ECHAlliance Annual Gathering in Brussels on 7 December 2017 Mike Scott represented MOIC. Mike Scott is Chair of the International Medicines Optimisation Working Group (MOWG). His presentation ‘Scope, progress and opportunities update’ provided an update on the work of MOWG.
The ECHAlliance is a MOIC partner. MOWG is a reference point to support current work and potential future ventures for the Ecosystem International Network. The group will act as a forum to test thinking, share best practice and provide advice on developments, supporting the scale up and spread of innovations. MOWG will obtain other professional advice from internal or external sources as necessary and feedback on findings where applicable.
More about the ECHAlliance Annual Gathering, click on
Location: Wales House, Brussels, 7 December 2017.
by Anita Hogg | Nov 30, 2017 | Events, News Release
The Medicines Optimisation in Older People (MOOP) team was announced as the winner of the ‘Making Health and Social Care Patient friendly’ category at the AbbVie 2017 Sustainable Healthcare ‘Patients as Partners’ Awards. The award was presented by Carrie Grant, Patient Advocate, at the annual sustainable healthcare conference at The King’s Fund in London. The conference focused on how proven innovation can be spread across the NHS more quickly.
Cost saving on medicines
The MOOP programme was recognised for its outstanding achievements, demonstrating improvements in the optimisation of medicines for older people in private care homes and reablement wards, where clinical pharmacy is not normally available. By joining up care it has had significant benefits for older people including a 14% drop in inappropriate presentations to Emergency Departments and a decrease in adverse drug events. Cost saving on medicines of £141-180 per patients could realise an estimated £41-52 million saving if spread to all care homes in England and Wales. The approach has already been rolled out to all five Health Trusts in Northern Ireland.
The MOOP programme is jointly run by Western and Northern Health & Social Care Trusts (HSCT).
“This project is to be congratulated for the way it brings together different services around the needs of the patient and delivers evidence based results, which are cost effective and scalable”
Sue Farringdon, Chair of the Patients Information Forum
High quality pharmaceutical focus
As a winner in the this category, the team will receive a bursary of up to £3000 to spend on research to grow their own experience and share best practice that will benefit patients and/or the NHS.
Carmel Darcy, Consultant Pharmacist at Western HSCT, said: “I am absolutely delighted for the team that we have won this award. Our project continues to deliver a high quality pharmaceutical focus for older people across Northern Ireland. Until now no project has accepted a holistic responsibility for the many medicines prescribed to our older people. By navigating the many prescribers and specialists involved in the care of the older people they encounter, our team places what matters to the patient at the centre of every medicine decision.”
Category Judge – Sue Farringdon, Chair of the Patients Information Forum said: “This project is to be congratulated for the way it brings together different services around the needs of the patient and delivers evidence based results, which are cost effective and scalable. The project tackled a clear unmet where previously there was no point of contact for patients, carers and staff and a high rate of inappropriate presentation of these patients to Trust A&E departments. The project refined and tested models, involving Consultant Pharmacist led case management and brought together GP Practices, care home managers, intermediate care, and specialist nurses and patients.”
Sustainable healthcare
The awards were created by AbbVie to recognise, celebrate and raise awareness of good examples of improvements that demonstrate clear benefit to the lives of patients and make our health services more sustainable.
Jerome Bouyer, UK General Manager, AbbVie commented: “The AbbVie Sustainable Healthcare Initiative develops ways to achieve better healthcare outcomes and experience for people living with long-term conditions while also making best use of limited resources. Whatever we at AbbVie can do to identify and support those who are providing great public services that allows system efficiencies is, we hope, a useful contribution.”
The full shortlisted finalists were:
- WINNER: Medicines Optimisation in Older People – Western & Northern Health and Social Care Trust Trusts
- FINALIST: Cheshire and Merseyside Palliative Care Audit – North West Coast Strategic Clinical Network
- FINALIST: Community Linking Project – St Albans and Crowhall Medical Groups/Edberts House
More on the awards, click on AbbVie 2017.
Location: AbbVie 2017 Sustainable Healthcare ‘Patients as Partners’ Awards at The King’s Fund, London on 28 November 2017.