by MOIC | Mar 9, 2020 | Events
The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Pharmacists in the Northern area, in partnership with the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre, hosted an evening for pharmacists to learn about the new Integrated Care Prototype.
The Northern Area were tasked by the Transformation Implementation Group to test a new way of working by:
- Creating a prototype for an Integrated Care system based on partnership at all levels.
- Enabling that system to focus on population health improvement.
- Ensuring shared accountability for delivery and outcomes that is data driven and supported.
- Devising a new way of planning and commissioning that is participative.
The evening was an opportunity to learn about the progress made so far from the Director of Strategic Development, Mrs Briege Donaghy, and to start the conversation of how community pharmacy might adapt to work in partnership with the new provider structures that are developing from the Prototype.
by MOIC | Feb 26, 2020 | Events
MOIC alongside HFMA Northern Ireland jointly hosted the annual Healthcare Financial Management Association annual Conference.
The event focused on clinical engagement and how clinicians and finance can work together to put value based healthcare firmly at the centre of HSC in Northern Ireland.
Professor Mike Scott Director MOIC gave a talk on optimizing medicines to provide value within health.
by MOIC | Nov 28, 2019 | Events
MOIC alongside Department of Health and Pharmacy Management jointly organised Northern Ireland’s first dedicated Medicines Safety Conference in Belfast on Wednesday 28th November.
The event brought together healthcare staff to share and learn from examples of best practice in medication safety and showed how Northern Ireland is leading the way in medication safety. In addition, the conference considered the WHO Challenge, Medication Without Harm which aims to reduce medicine related harm by 50% over a 5 year period
The conference was chaired by Cathy Harrison Acting Chief Pharmaceutical Officer at the Department of Health, who said
“The occasion of Northern Ireland’s first ever dedicated Medicines Safety Conference gave us the opportunity to recognise examples of new and innovative practice from all sectors aimed at ensuring the safe use of medicines in Northern Ireland. By bringing healthcare staff together to share and learn from examples of best practice, we aim to use that energy and inspiration to improve the quality of care and make our system even safer for the benefit of our population.
The Conference gave us the opportunity to share our journey to date in developing Northern Ireland’s response to the WHO Third Global Patient Safety Challenge “Medication without Harm”, and to build support for our ambitious vision to build on our solid foundations and past successes using collective leadership to deliver system wide improvements.”
by MOIC | Oct 25, 2019 | Events
Department of Health Permanent Secretary, Richard Pengelly recently visited the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) in Antrim Area Hospital. The Centre was established four years ago and the event provided an update on the projects and achievements since it was established.
The Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) is a regional centre in Northern Ireland dedicated to delivering better medicines use for the people of Northern Ireland. We are uniquely positioned to work alongside the health sector and the private sector to deliver better patient outcomes around medicines optimisation.
The MOIC team focuses on delivering research, innovation and business acumen to achieve medicines optimisation and to assist in the delivery of the Medicines Optimisation Quality Framework set out by the Department of Health. With approximately 41.5 million prescriptions issued in primary care every year and 1 in 5 adults dispensed 5 or more medicines, it is vital that we are getting the best usage out of our medicines.
MOIC showcased collaborative work across Health and Social Care, the voluntary sector and the private sector, all of which are delivering significant results in improving patient care through medicines optimisation such as the Mid and East Antrim Agewell Partnership.
by Anita Hogg | Apr 3, 2019 | Events, News Release
More than 3400 delegates from 75 countries attended the International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare in Glasgow. The theme for this year’s event was ‘People Make Change’ and it celebrated the role that empowered individuals have in driving healthcare quality and safety. Representing MOIC, Prof Mike Scott (Director) and Anita Hogg (Lead) joined with a team of delegates from across Ireland to share the Innovative work of MOIC in optimising quality and safety in medicines use.
Main picture from left: Mike Scott (Director, MOIC) with Brian Tehan (Medical Director for Quality & Transformation, Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board, Wales)
The Forum was held on 27-29 March 2019 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Glasgow.

The All-Ireland huddle!

Anita Hogg (Lead, MOIC) at the stand

Mark Roberts (right) Clinical Director, HSC Safety Forum, Northern Ireland) with Dr Philip Crowley, Quality Improvement Director, HSE, Ireland

The All-Ireland group!

Anita Hogg (Lead, MOIC) (right) with Katrina Logie (Improvement Manager, NHSL Primary Care Improvement Team, Scotland)
by Anita Hogg | Apr 3, 2019 | Events, News Release
Main picture from left: Jill Taylor (Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle), Ewan McLean (Specialist Clinical Pharmacist Respiratory, NHS Lothian) and Anita Hogg (Lead, MOIC)
The annual JoMO-UKCPA Workshop for Respiratory Medicines Optimisation again brought together pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from across the UK. Anita Hogg represented MOIC at the event.
The programme was devised in cooperation with the UKCPA Specialist Respiratory
Group and reflected the latest practice and developments in respiratory medicines
Chief Executive of Pharmacy Management, John Stanley, remarked “This is the third year
that we have produced this conference with UKCPA and we are privileged to have so
many top-class pharmacists delivering satellite sessions.”
The event took place on 14th March 2019 in the MacDonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham.

From left: Jessica Gadsby (Specialist Pharmacist, University Hospitals Leicester) and Nerys Price (Clinical Pharmacist, Hywel Dda University Health Board)