The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy, adopted by the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) in 2014, express commonly agreed objectives which every European health system should aim for in the delivery of hospital pharmacy services. There are 44 statements in total divided into 6 main categories.
As part of its Statement Implementation project EAHP launched the Statement Implementation Learning Collaborative programme (SILCC). This programme allows hospital pharmacists (SILCC Fellows) to visit hospitals (SILCC hosts) from other EAHP member countries to learn about pharmacy procedures linked to the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy. All hospitals applying to become a SILCC Hosts are required to assess their pharmacy using the EAHP Self-assessment tool. As part of this assessment they have to identify up to 5 Statements where the hospital can provide training on.
In July 2018 Antrim Area hospital was successful in their application to become a SILCC host and is currently one of only two hosts based in the UK.
In April 2019 Antrim Area hospital became the first host to welcome a SILCC fellow. Väinö Vähämäki arrived from Turku City Hospital in Finland.
During his two week visit Väinö had the opportunity to observe how clinical pharmacy is practiced in Antrim. He viewed medicines reconciliation at admission and discharge, how prescribing has developed the pharmacists role and the important and expanding role of the clinical pharmacy technician. He also viewed some of the enabling technology developed in Antrim and had the opportunity to meet with our Medical Director and the Lead Pharmacist for the Medicines Governance team in Northern Ireland.